So; Philly gets to
keep the picture after the extortion game played by Bob Barchi and Jefferson's board. My town really stepped up to the plate on this one - true philly spirit at work.
My just completed nine day hiatus is just the thing for the mid-year recruiting/accreditation/holiday chaos that is my life in Winter. A few days in North Carolina with family, a few hours struggling to survive my son's driving (on I-95, in the rain, during rush hour, at night), and plenty of time to putter around the house and finish up some BIG work projects.
Not only that: I finished Tony Bourdain's new book
The Nasty Bits. His commentary on the various chapters is real whipped cream on a satisfying collection of life's lessons. Sure, it's about the food on the surface, but in the end it's about Tony and his addiction to life. I'm just jealous that he's getting paid for it.
And the
iggles pulled it off. Andy Reid's workmanlike affect may not inspire the same kind of loyalty as Knute Rockne, but it'll do, pig.
I even saw
Rocky Balboa. What a great bookend to the break for anyone who loves Philadelphia and its spirit - and I do. I even teared up a few times at what is admittedly an average picture. Am I a sucker for sentimentality or what?