Monday, July 10, 2006

Gordon's Notes: All the vulnerable people: eFraud, aging and special needs

John Faughnan is a family doc who I've been acquainted with since the late 1980's via our common interst in tech. He has the chops, which is why I follow his blog. He's one of my tier one mavens for things medicine and tech.

His take on spam and reputation managment in these days of HIPPA and privacy concerns is more pertinent than anything I've read in the medical journals.

We're going to have to evolve new systems of defense, trust relationships, identity management and reputation management. Developing these systems will be a major social challenge over the next few decades. In the meantime, encourage your parents, and your vulnerable family members, to consult about their financial decisions. From: Gordon's Notes: All the vulnerable people: eFraud, aging and special needs

1 comment:

  1. Hey back. Not nearly the readership that you have but I find it a good place to store random thoughts, especially for family and friends who want to know what I'm up to.
